Free trial version featuring a few levels from the "easy" dungeon.
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The only "Mystery Dungeon" style roguelike RPG for Android in English! Fully animated, engaging strategic gameplay, sound effects and a full soundtrack!
WARNING: Voyage to Farland is hard!
What’s a roguelike RPG and how does it play? It’s a classic video game style and here are a couple of strategies...
Strategy A) - attack everything in sight head-on. Result: your character will die quickly and often.
Strategy B) - learn about the powers of the items you find. For example, find a cursed “Empty Vial”, throw it at a "Ghost" to capture its soul. Then later drink the vial, become a Ghost and float through walls to escape danger. Or grab a “Levelup Bead”, wave it at a friendly character - he’ll level up and help you fight, or drop it on the ground, let a "Catapult" monster pick it up & toss it at you - you’ll level up and be able to pound monsters into the ground. But ouch! The "Nosferatu" monsters are too powerful!?! (Nosferatu is a type of vampire, Google it), yet they’re undead and undead monsters are vulnerable to medicinal herbs, like that "Wormwood" you just picked up!
In short, roguelike games offer a rich experience for gamers seeking something beyond casual games.
So if you’re looking for an easy RPG with a nice story, “Voyage to Farland” probably isn’t the game for you. But if you like the "Mystery Dungeon" games and want a game that will kick your butt repeatedly (in humorous ways) yet keep you coming back for more, then you'll love “Voyage to Farland”!
Hints: try the training dungeon first, equip a shield as soon as possible, make good use of the herbs/beads/scroll's secret powers (tap INV, then select Explain from the item's sub menu - use the DPAD or swipe up/down in the center of the touchscreen to scroll in menus). Find an empty vial, use it to capture & morph into a monster to really throw down and you'll be hooked.
Save using the on-screen SAVE button, or just hit the HOME button, which saves and skips the intro cutscene at next startup.
Tap MENU for docs. Visit our website below for more hints and an introductory guide to roguelike games. Save your game at any point, but uses hardcore Rogue rules (death=start over no items). Warning: it’s a hard game, but it's fair once you learn a few tricks with items.
36 monster types with devious attacks, over 30 items and 3 NPCs you can recruit to help you fight!
How far can you get in Voyage to Farland?
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For an ad-free version with no usage tracking and with all the dungeons unlockable, please try the paid version of Voyage to Farland. (click “View more applications” below)