The League: Dating Community for Ambitious Singles 1.15.16

The League: Dating Community for Ambitious Singles 1.15.16

Size : Mb

Version: 1.15.16


Latest update: 20.12.2018

Who doesn’t love LOVE?! We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make some amazing improvements for you - better Matches, faster responses, and an overall more positive experience.. You should start seeing these changes in the newest updates of The League - your next Happy Hour just got even better! Cheers to you, my wonderful users! Don't forget, I LOVE hearing from you, so let me know what we can do to make your experience even better!

The description of The League: Dating Community for Ambitious Singles

So you want to date ambitious singles - someone who shares your education level AND drive? Join The League, an elite dating network and selective matchmaking service for overly ambitious professionals. Date intelligently. #neversettle. Find local singles and explore events. Meet your soulmate from c... see more
The League: Dating Community for Ambitious Singles The League: Dating Community for Ambitious Singles The League: Dating Community for Ambitious Singles The League: Dating Community for Ambitious Singles The League: Dating Community for Ambitious Singles The League: Dating Community for Ambitious Singles

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