Screen Shield is an anti-spy app that protects your confidential data shown on the screen by preventing malware and viruses from taking the screen captures.You can disable the ability to take screenshots whenever you start an app that displays very sensitive information.Malicious programs can use th... see more
Screen Shield is an anti-spy app that protects your confidential data shown on the screen by preventing malware and viruses from taking the screen captures. You can disable the ability to take screenshots whenever you start an app that displays very sensitive information. Malicious programs can use the screen capture feature to steal your sensitive information shown on the screen such as passwords and bank account numbers, and this is a serious risk for security and privacy.
[ How-To] ★ Activate protection. ★ Select the apps you want to protect against the screen capture. ★ Whenever a malicious program tries to take a screenshot of the selected apps, it would get an empty image !