Medscape 4.5

Medscape 4.5

Size : 2.2M Mb

Version: 4.5

Req: 1.6 and up

Latest update: 26.02.2018

Thank you for using Medscape. Update to the latest version to see the app's new features:,Medscape Consult: Medical students can now post in Consult! If you prefer to see physician posts only, simply turn off the "Show Medical Student Posts" feature. Users can now also see all of the responses they have made to Consult posts directly from the Profile page.,In addition, we fixed a bug that was preventing users from highlighting & copying text in the app. More exciting features are on the way!

The description of Medscape

Medscape provides fast and accurate clinical answers at the point-of-care and is the leading medical resource for physicians, medical students, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Using Medscape Consult, physicians can access a community of more than 250K physicians worldwide to share cases... see more
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