DICE 3.16.0

DICE 3.16.0

by Dice

Size : 4.3M Mb

Version: 3.16.0

Req: 4.0 and up

Latest update: 10.03.2018

["Watching old movies is weird in 2018. Why does Scrooge need those festive ghosts? Surely Twitter would have schooled him. And Bruce Willis only needs one look on Facebook to realise he's dead. Home Alone? Just text your mum, Kevin. It makes you think, if only Ferris Bueller had had DICE, he'd have known just what to do with his day off. With our new Just For You section you're only a few taps away from disaster (or an evening on the sofa). Let's make those old movie nights a thing of the past.

The description of DICE

We started DICE because we were fed up with how ticketing was done. So we changed things. The app is frighteningly simple, and you can buy a ticket in less than 3 seconds. You can transfer tickets to friends, and even get an instant refund for sold out shows. Missed out on tickets? Don't worry,... see more